Green Grass Occupational School - The classroom is building the foundation of dreams

If each workshop is a space for exploring unique proposals of life, then the classroom is the place for building the foundation of dreams.

Green Grass Occupational Classroom is a learning base for accompanying junior high school children after school. The teachers and social workers discuss the children’s curiosities toward life or learning every semester.

There are issue discussion-based educational courses on life and love, as well as “learning by doing” courses, such as wood carving, miso, leather, hair styling and food service, for guiding teens with low learning achievements and could not find a talent in the mainstream progressive education system. Experience-based learning is used as the axis for carrying out future career exploration.

learning by doing courses | Green Grass Occupational School | Grass Book Houselearning by doing courses | Green Grass Occupational School | Grass Book Houselearning by doing courses | Green Grass Occupational School | Grass Book Houselearning by doing courses | Green Grass Occupational School | Grass Book House

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Ln. 13, Zhongshan Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 23741, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

You are welcome to contact us,
please provide basic information and detailed data,
our specialist will be in contact.
Consultation Period: 10:00 am - 18:30 pm

Filling out the form does not mean a successful reservation. We will contact you for further confirmation, and you are free to discuss with us regarding any questions.

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