Granola Bars with Bean Fibers - The Best dessert cafe in Taipei

Nutritious bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans offer high fiber and light deliciousness

The bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans freshly produced by HIDEKAWA every day are mixed with black sesame, oats and cheese powder. Only a little oil, salt and sugar are used during the process. The product is full of fibers, and it is the best nutritious snack.

The bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans | Made of naturally non-GMO soybeans from Taiwan | KOUJI RestaurantThe bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans | Made of naturally non-GMO soybeans from Taiwan | KOUJI RestaurantThe bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans | Made of naturally non-GMO soybeans from Taiwan | KOUJI RestaurantThe bean dregs of domestic non-GMO and pesticide-free soybeans | Made of naturally non-GMO soybeans from Taiwan | KOUJI Restaurant

Online Reservation


No. 317, Qingshui St., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City

You are welcome to contact us,
please provide basic information and detailed data,
our specialist will be in contact.
Consultation Period: 10:00 am - 18:30 pm

Filling out the form does not mean a successful reservation. We will contact you for further confirmation, and you are free to discuss with us regarding any questions.

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