Dr. Chong-Ming Chen returned to his hometown from National Taiwan University Hospital in 1947 and established Sanxia’s first surgical hospital, i.e. Ailin Hospital. As Sanxia’s coal mining industry was prosperous back then, Ailin Hospital undertook the mission of protecting every life in the community.
Through the design of CAN Culture, Art & Nature and the support of the people and enterprises, a school for changing the lives of children is constructed in the old community of Sanxia to create a domain for the occupational exploration and development of teens to extend the life saving ethos of the old hospital.
The planning and preparation of the fund raising project for Green Grass Occupational School began in December of 2016 and, after over one year, the project and space construction was finally completed in January of 2018.
Green Grass Occupational School is the junior high department of Grass Book House. Its primary focus is the development of occupational skills. The concept of the main LOGO design is the image of the Grass children turning into flowers when they grow up and fly freely like butterflies.
EDM and exclusive event clothes are designed for the opening ceremony.
In accordance with the color plan and style features of Green Grass Occupational School, a series of icons are designed for convenient application by other designed objects.
For more information on Green Grass Occupational School, refer to the official activities website: