#KOUJI Restaurant

Are THE CAN  KOUJI Restaurant, HIDEKAWA, and HAKSIP Village close to Sanxia Old Street?

Are THE CAN KOUJI Restaurant, HIDEKAWA, and HAKSIP Village close to Sanxia Old Street?

Where to go in Sanxia? Many people’s first thoughts would be Sanxia Old Street; however, less than five-minute walk from Sanxia Old Street, you may find an excellent place to visit, where you will find exciting things, food, and gain in-depth knowledge on culture and art in Sanxia! Brands under THE CAN, including “THE CAN KOUJI Restaurant ” “HIDEKAWA ” and “HAKSIP Village” are located in Sanxia. Now, it’s time to follow our step for some detailed introduction of these brands!
Corporate Identity System of KOUJI Restaurant - Taiwan brand design

Corporate Identity System of KOUJI Restaurant - Taiwan brand design

The colors selected are extracted from all of the elements in KOUJI Restaurant. The primary color is brick red, which is the carrier of the entire architecture of KOUJI Restaurant.

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Bring energy to Sanxia through culture and creativity,
changing the lives of the children in their hometown through action.


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