KOUJI’s baker, Nana, has been engaging in the field of baking for years, but she couldn’t find pure Taiwanese tea powder. Most tea powders in the market were imported from Japan or added with sugar powder and other color enhancing natural materials. Taiwan has such high quality tea leafs, so she should be able to find what she needs, right? After Nana joined KOUJI, she discovered Biluochun tea powder sold by Tian Fang Tea Shop, which is now in its fifth generation. Because Tian Fang plants tea themselves, Sanxia’s Biluochun tea powder has its own unique fragrance, like Uji’s matcha of Japan, with no additives. The product has become a popular handmade cake amongst customers of KOUJI!
Hearsay: It is said that KOUJI’s baker would get a stomachache whenever she eats desserts or breads with poor ingredients, so she makes all the snacks by herself and only serve them when she is satisfied with the results! You are welcome to come and take a stroll in the yard of the old house, and enjoy a happy afternoon tea time with friends and family.
Buy: https://thecan.91app.com/SalePage/Index/5270394?cid=208113