#handemade cake

Only You Can Give Yourselves the Live You Want. - Taipei popular cafe in Sanxia

Only You Can Give Yourselves the Live You Want. - Taipei popular cafe in Sanxia

Sanxia met an electromechanical engineer twenty years ago, and the engineer became the owner of a hand-pour café five years ago. As such, Su Fu Lab officially branded in the City of Sanxia, becoming a piece of memory from Sanxia for travelers.
Let's Have A Dream Together, and Let's Fulfill the Dream and Make it Perfect. - Taipei best bakery in Sanxia

Let's Have A Dream Together, and Let's Fulfill the Dream and Make it Perfect. - Taipei best bakery in Sanxia

Without too much of thinking but merely a thought of owning a dining car, she simply nailed the wooden board on the car and got onto the ride with the guy with a Vespa, they began their journey named Pick Sugar with themselves and a car. From Vespa to a bakery in the alley, the journey has already started for about a year.

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